Thursday, March 25, 2010

Join Me And Together We Can Save Animals!!

In 2009, in the state of Washington, there were 19 cases of animal cruelty.
6 of the 19 cases were neglect and abandonment.
3 of the 19 cases were shooting, another 3 of 19 were stabbing.
2 of 19 cases were fighting, and another 2 of 19 were vehicular.
1 of 19 were beating, another 1 of 19 couldn't be classified, and another 1 of 19 involved hoarding.
These were 19 REPORTED cases... what about the other hundreds that weren't?

This is something that happens everyday... To innocent animals, who cannot fight back. So, who is their savior? Who will save them? Join me and save the animals! Together, maybe we can reduce the amount of cases of animal cruelty in the world.

 First of all, we should BAN uthanizationing- where they put animals to sleep because no one will adopt them. There are so many animals out there, loving and beautiful. It breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes to see these sweet inoccent animals be put to sleep, abused, and unwanted.

What kind of sick person, could look into the eyes of a creature like these animals and abandon them?
I saw a show today on the television... This little kitten was trying to get attention from it's owner... She picked the kitten up and tossed it down. The kitten, repeated to jump up on the table... spilt the ladies coffee. The lady picked her up and threw her out the door....the kitten cold and hungry meowed. The lady grabbed the kitten, stuffed it in a box, and drove away only to abandon it in the woods...I want to reach into the TV and strangle the b*tch. People disgust me. Have they no hearts? A poor innocent animal, just wanting love and attention...only to be thrown out into the cold. I couldn't watch this video. I have had 20 animals at one time, on a farm if you would call it that. I had to walk out of the room, and I broke down... thinking to myself, "This must be stopped"

How would you like it if we beat you up for wanting love? How would you like it if we did away with you because you were annoying? You wouldn't like it very much. Would you?
So why do they do it to animals?

^ This innocent kitten, soon to die from illness, abuse, and the dangers of city life... How can anyone walk away from this issue? I'll tell you how, THEY HAVE NO HEART.

As you can see, we are the only voices these animals have.
So please, join me together and we can and will make a difference!